Projets Réalisés

Automatic Solder Paste Dispenser

The idea of this project it’s to have a method to apply the solder paste between the stencil method and the syringe method. The project is a pen to apply automatically the solder paste with preset values. The preset values are the differents size of components footprints (Metric or Imperial).

Pick & Place Machine

When searching for such Pick&Place machines, I stumbled over the OpenPnP project at A open source community and project which builds such machines. So I thought: why not building one myself too? And here we go :-).


OpenPnP offers a framework to run such a machine. They have guides and tutorials how to build such a machine. And it is up to you how you build it and what features get added. I did not want to build the fastest or the cheapest machine: my goal was to keep the hardware costs below $1000, and that the machine is able to place parts down to the 0402 size.🔨 3D model 🔨


Cold Shower Water Reused

The idea of this project is to set up a system for reused the the cold water from the shower. This project is intended for my parents who have tanks to collect rainwater which allows them to supply the toilets with water and also to water the plants in summer.


When we take a shower we wait for the water to get hot, so we are wasting water that could very well be used for something else. So I created a system that allows cold water to be sent to the tubs and to detect / notify when the shower water is ready for the user.

Post-It Connected

This project is for me and my girlfriend. It’s attached with a magnet to my refrigerator. This project has a 6 month of autonomous but I work to improve the power consumption. This project use E-Paper module and with nRF52840 BLE microcontroller.

Touch Pad Connected

The smartwatch is like an IoT remote. We have two parts for this project. The first part is the smartwatch, the smartwatch has different functionalities such as trackpad, indoor localization, and motion recognition. All data of this different functionality are sent with wireless communication to a phone application. On this application we have different functionalities (play, pause, next, previous …), we have different IoT product (connected light, connected plug …). All these functionalities and IoT product are linked with a specific movement of the trackpad or specific motion.